Sunday, November 6, 2016

GRA 2016

Global Read Aloud 2016 wraps up this week! 

This was my 4th year to participate, but my first to host a Gifted and Talented book club group made up of second through fourth graders. We have meet each Monday over the past six weeks to have lunch, discuss our book (The BFG) , reflect, and complete activities. 

Our book club began with a Mystery Skype to determine the location of our WRA 2016 partners, they were a group of fourth graders from North Carolina! Each week the students have completed a reflection activity in Seesaw. The students collaborated to construct and publish a Gooblefunk Dictionary (you can scan the qr code below to view it). They also each wrote a dream of their own on Dream Jars, they were fantastic! 

Gooblefunk Dictionary 

We will end our book club tomorrow (Monday) with a pizza party, discuss the ending of The BFG, and reflect in Seesaw. I believe that each day should be an exciting learning adventure, the past six weeks has been an awesome one! 

Mrs. Hime 


  1. What a blessing to form bonds, over good literature, with students many, many miles away and at the same time enrich those kiddos in your own district! That's using technology for the good.

  2. I agree that it was a positive way to use technology in the classroom. It was a wonderful experience, the students loved it!
