I organized guest readers for World Read Aloud Day, and even read to two classes myself, I think I enjoyed it as much as the students did! I read my favorite book, "Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon" and a book that looked interesting, "Moustache Baby", they were both big hits!
We couldn't have World Read Aloud day without an Author Skype! Author Monica Carnesi joined a third grade class via skype to answer questions and encourage them on their writing journey.
This month's tech challenge reward was one day of duty free lunch and recess (courtesy of me), which began this week. Nine teachers completed the challenge so that is nine duties for me! So far I have watched a "Swing Contest", played in a "Four Squares"game, found the head of a dead animal (not sure if it was a mouse or a mole), observed several students using good manners in the cafe (some even receiving a special prize), AND I witnessed smiles on student's faces as they opened lunch bags with sweet notes inside...PRICELESS!
I was also able to serve and assist many faculty members this week and play host in the Makerspace to two professors from Northwestern University. March ELL Newsletter was published this week as well as Week 26~Southwest Weekly Recap.
Thank you for allowing me to share each week as I learn and grow, I am having the time of my life!
Mrs. Hime