Saturday, December 17, 2016

Contributing to the Culture of the School

How do you contribute to the culture of your school? Are you contributing in a positive or a negative way? Small things can make a huge difference when thinking about the culture on a campus. 

When I arrive at school (work) each morning around 6:30ish I make the decision to have a positive day. I ask myself, "How can I make a positive difference in a situation or in someone's life". I begin with saying "Good Morning" to each person (big or little) as they come through the office. It is amazing the difference that makes, it sets the tone for the day. 

Before Rise & Shine I make my way around the gym to give a quick hello and hugs to students. Some days there are students that I specifically drop by to start their day off with a kind word. A smile or encouragement can make a huge difference in the way the day will play out. 

I believe in having a Servants Heart. I am around the school campus each day and I am not afraid to to clean a bathroom, empty trash, teach a quick lesson, or to simply listen and give advice. Whatever needs to be done, we all need to pitch in and see that it is done. 

Leaving little notes for staff and students is wonderful way to boost the culture. Celebrating events in the lives of your co-workers and being exciting for even the small things in their lives will go a long way in building relationships and culture too. 

When you are able walk onto your school campus and choose to be positive in all situations, solve problems not create havoc, you will see your culture begin to change. 

Mrs. Hime 

Sunday, December 4, 2016

A Season of Serving Others and the Gift of Giving

"Tis the Season"... 

This year I have taken on our second through fourth grade Gifted and Talented group. It is comprised of nineteen students that are excited to try new things and dive into the unknown. I thought it would be a wonderful learning experience for the students  to serve others and enjoy the gift of giving during this time of year! 

We are currently in the middle of hosting a Food Drive on our campus. As of last Friday the students have collected a little over 700 food items which, along with items collected this coming week, will be donated to the local Mission House. The students announce the Food Drive each morning in Rise & Shine then collect and count the items each day.

Last Friday afternoon the students RAK'D the faculty and staff on our campus. They wrote positive messages, added a candy cane, then placed the notes on each car in our parking lots that surround our school. We even got thank you tweets! 

Our next project will begin this week, decorating sacks for the Winter Feed. The students will illustrate Christmas scenes on bags that will be filled with food and little surprises for community members that attend our district Winter Feed during the Christmas break. 

The students will end this unit of serving and giving by putting on a skit that will span over four days during all three lunches the week before break. This idea came up while our class was brainstorming ideas,  and the rest is history! 

If you want a feel good activity this time of year, get a group of seven through ten year olds, brainstorm ways to serve and give to your school and community, the benefits are endless! 

A glimpse of our week! 

Mrs. Hime